The chain_plugin
is an essential plugin that is necessary for the processing and consolidation of chain data on an EOS node. It implements the core functionality provided by the Chain API plugin.
# config.ini
plugin = eosio::chain_plugin
# command-line
nodeos ... --plugin eosio::chain_plugin [operations] [options]
These can only be specified from the nodeos
Command Line Options for chain_plugin
Option (=default) | Description |
--genesis-json arg | File to read Genesis State from |
--genesis-timestamp arg | override the initial timestamp in the Genesis State file |
--print-genesis-json | extract genesis_state from blocks.log as JSON, print to console, and exit |
--extract-genesis-json arg | extract genesis_state from blocks.log as JSON, write into specified file, and exit |
--print-build-info | print build environment information to console as JSON and exit |
--extract-build-info arg | extract build environment information as JSON, write into specified file, and exit |
--force-all-checks | do not skip any validation checks while replaying blocks (useful for replaying blocks from untrusted source) |
--disable-replay-opts | disable optimizations that specifically target replay |
--replay-blockchain | clear chain state database and replay all blocks |
--hard-replay-blockchain | clear chain state database, recover as many blocks as possible from the block log, and then replay those blocks |
--delete-all-blocks | clear chain state database and block log |
--truncate-at-block arg (=0) | stop hard replay / block log recovery at this block number (if set to non-zero number) |
--terminate-at-block arg (=0) | terminate after reaching this block number (if set to a non-zero number) |
--snapshot arg | File to read Snapshot State from |
These can be specified from either the nodeos
command-line or the config.ini
Config Options for chain_plugin
Option (=default) | Description |
--blocks-dir arg (="blocks") | the location of the blocks directory (absolute path or relative to application data dir) |
--blocks-log-stride arg | split the block log file when the head block number is the multiple of the stride When the stride is reached, the current block log and index will be renamed '^blocks-retained-dir^/blocks-^start num^-^end num^.log/index' and a new current block log and index will be created with the most recent block. All files following this format will be used to construct an extended block log. |
--max-retained-block-files arg | the maximum number of blocks files to retain so that the blocks in those files can be queried. When the number is reached, the oldest block file would be moved to archive dir or deleted if the archive dir is empty. The retained block log files should not be manipulated by users. |
--blocks-retained-dir arg | the location of the blocks retained directory (absolute path or relative to blocks dir). If the value is empty, it is set to the value of blocks dir. |
--blocks-archive-dir arg | the location of the blocks archive directory (absolute path or relative to blocks dir). If the value is empty, blocks files beyond the retained limit will be deleted. All files in the archive directory are completely under user's control, i.e. they won't be accessed by nodeos anymore. |
--state-dir arg (="state") | the location of the state directory (absolute path or relative to application data dir) |
--protocol-features-dir arg (="protocol_features") | the location of the protocol_features directory (absolute path or relative to application config dir) |
--checkpoint arg | Pairs of [BLOCK_NUM,BLOCK_ID] that should be enforced as checkpoints. |
--wasm-runtime runtime (=eos-vm-jit) | Override default WASM runtime ( "eos-vm-jit", "eos-vm") "eos-vm-jit" : A WebAssembly runtime that compiles WebAssembly code to native x86 code prior to execution. "eos-vm" : A WebAssembly interpreter. |
--profile-account arg | The name of an account whose code will be profiled |
--abi-serializer-max-time-ms arg (=15) | Override default maximum ABI serialization time allowed in ms |
--chain-state-db-size-mb arg (=1024) | Maximum size (in MiB) of the chain state database |
--chain-state-db-guard-size-mb arg (=128) | Safely shut down node when free space remaining in the chain state database drops below this size (in MiB). |
--signature-cpu-billable-pct arg (=50) | Percentage of actual signature recovery cpu to bill. Whole number percentages, e.g. 50 for 50% |
--chain-threads arg (=2) | Number of worker threads in controller thread pool |
--contracts-console | print contract's output to console |
--deep-mind | print deeper information about chain operations |
--actor-whitelist arg | Account added to actor whitelist (may specify multiple times) |
--actor-blacklist arg | Account added to actor blacklist (may specify multiple times) |
--contract-whitelist arg | Contract account added to contract whitelist (may specify multiple times) |
--contract-blacklist arg | Contract account added to contract blacklist (may specify multiple times) |
--action-blacklist arg | Action (in the form code::action) added to action blacklist (may specify multiple times) |
--key-blacklist arg | Public key added to blacklist of keys that should not be included in authorities (may specify multiple times) |
--sender-bypass-whiteblacklist arg | Deferred transactions sent by accounts in this list do not have any of the subjective whitelist/blacklist checks applied to them (may specify multiple times) |
--read-mode arg (=head) | Database read mode ("head", "irreversible", "speculative"). In "head" mode: database contains state changes up to the head block; transactions received by the node are relayed if valid. In "irreversible" mode: database contains state changes up to the last irreversible block; transactions received via the P2P network are not relayed and transactions cannot be pushed via the chain API. In "speculative" mode: (DEPRECATED: head mode recommended) database contains state changes by transactions in the blockchain up to the head block as well as some transactions not yet included in the blockchain; transactions received by the node are relayed if valid. |
--api-accept-transactions arg (=1) | Allow API transactions to be evaluated and relayed if valid. |
--validation-mode arg (=full) | Chain validation mode ("full" or "light"). In "full" mode all incoming blocks will be fully validated. In "light" mode all incoming blocks headers will be fully validated; transactions in those validated blocks will be trusted |
--disable-ram-billing-notify-checks | Disable the check which subjectively fails a transaction if a contract bills more RAM to another account within the context of a notification handler (i.e. when the receiver is not the code of the action). |
--maximum-variable-signature-length arg (=16384) | Subjectively limit the maximum length of variable components in a variable legnth signature to this size in bytes |
--trusted-producer arg | Indicate a producer whose blocks headers signed by it will be fully validated, but transactions in those validated blocks will be trusted. |
--database-map-mode arg (=mapped) | Database map mode ("mapped", "heap", or "locked"). In "mapped" mode database is memory mapped as a file. In "heap" mode database is preloaded in to swappable memory and will use huge pages if available. In "locked" mode database is preloaded, locked in to memory, and will use huge pages if available. |
--eos-vm-oc-cache-size-mb arg (=1024) | Maximum size (in MiB) of the EOS VM OC code cache |
--eos-vm-oc-compile-threads arg (=1) | Number of threads to use for EOS VM OC tier-up |
--eos-vm-oc-enable | Enable EOS VM OC tier-up runtime |
--enable-account-queries arg (=0) | enable queries to find accounts by various metadata. |
--max-nonprivileged-inline-action-size arg (=4096) | maximum allowed size (in bytes) of an inline action for a nonprivileged account |
--transaction-retry-max-storage-size-gb arg | Maximum size (in GiB) allowed to be allocated for the Transaction Retry feature. Setting above 0 enables this feature. |
--transaction-retry-interval-sec arg (=20) | How often, in seconds, to resend an incoming transaction to network if not seen in a block. |
--transaction-retry-max-expiration-sec arg (=120) | Maximum allowed transaction expiration for retry transactions, will retry transactions up to this value. |
--transaction-finality-status-max-storage-size-gb arg | Maximum size (in GiB) allowed to be allocated for the Transaction Finality Status feature. Setting above 0 enables this feature. |
--transaction-finality-status-success-duration-sec arg (=180) | Duration (in seconds) a successful transaction's Finality Status will remain available from being first identified. |
--transaction-finality-status-failure-duration-sec arg (=180) | Duration (in seconds) a failed transaction's Finality Status will remain available from being first identified. |
--integrity-hash-on-start | Log the state integrity hash on startup |
--integrity-hash-on-stop | Log the state integrity hash on shutdown |
--block-log-retain-blocks arg | If set to greater than 0, periodically prune the block log to store only configured number of most recent blocks. If set to 0, no blocks are be written to the block log; block log file is removed after startup. |