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Create an NFT

An NFT is a non-fungible token. This means that it is a unique token that cannot be interchanged with another token.

Take a collectible item as an example (a pen owned by a celebrity, a game-winning ball, etc). Each of these items is unique and cannot be interchanged with another item because their value is in their uniqueness.

👀 Want to just create an NFT?

In this tutorial we are going to discuss creating an NFT that follows Ethereum's ERC721 standard so that we can dig into some EOS development using a clear standard.

However, if you want to create an NFT that follows the Atomic Assets standard which is more common on the EOS Network, you can visit the Atomic Assets NFT Creator where you can easily create an NFT that will instantly be listed on the AtomicHub marketplace without deploying any code.

What is an NFT Standard?

An NFT standard is a set of rules that all NFTs must follow. This allows for NFTs to be interoperable with other NFTs and for applications like marketplaces and wallets to understand how to interact with them.

What is the ERC721 Standard?

The ERC721 standard is an NFT standard that was created by the Ethereum community. It is the most common NFT standard and is used by many NFTs on the Ethereum network. If you've ever seen a Bored Ape, they are ERC721 NFTs.

Bored Ape Club Examples

Create a new contract

Create a new nft.cpp file and add the following code:

#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosio/asset.hpp>
#include <eosio/singleton.hpp>
using namespace eosio;

CONTRACT nft : public contract {

using contract::contract;

// TODO: Add actions

Creating the actions

If we look at the ERC721 standard, we can see that there are a few actions that we need to implement. Overall the standard is quite simple, but some concepts are not necessarily EOS-native. For instance, there is no concept of approvals on EOS since you can send tokens directly to another account (via on_notify events), unlike Ethereum.

For the sake of keeping the standard as close to the original as possible, we will implement those non-native concepts in this tutorial.

The actions we will be implementing are:

    ACTION mint(name to, uint64_t token_id){


ACTION transfer(name from, name to, uint64_t token_id, std::string memo){


[[eosio::action]] uint64_t balanceof(name owner){


[[eosio::action]] name ownerof(uint64_t token_id){


ACTION approve(name to, uint64_t token_id){


ACTION approveall(name from, name to, bool approved){


[[eosio::action]] name getapproved(uint64_t token_id){


[[eosio::action]] bool approved4all(name owner, name approved_account){


[[eosio::action]] std::string gettokenuri(uint64_t token_id){


ACTION setbaseuri(std::string base_uri){


Add them to your contract and then let's dig into each action and see what they do, and what parameters they take.

You'll notice that actions with return values are marked with [[eosio::action]] instead of ACTION.


ACTION is something called a MACRO, which is a way to write code that will be replaced with other code at compile time. In this case, the ACTION macro is replaced with:

[[eosio::action]] void

The reason we cannot use the ACTION macro for actions that return values is because it adds the void keyword to the function, which means it will not return anything.

Digging into the action parameters

If you want a deeper explanation of the parameters and a brief explanation of each action, expand the section below.

Click here to view


The mint action is used to create a new NFT.

It takes two parameters:

  • to - The account that will own the NFT
  • token_id - The ID of the NFT


The transfer action is used to transfer an NFT from one account to another.

It takes four parameters:

  • from - The account that currently owns the NFT
  • to - The account that will own the NFT
  • token_id - The ID of the NFT
  • memo - A memo that will be included in the transaction


The balanceof action is used to get the balance of an account.

It takes one parameter:

  • owner - The account that you want to get the balance of

It returns a uint64_t which is the balance of the account.


The ownerof action is used to get the owner of an NFT.

It takes one parameter:

  • token_id - The ID of the NFT

It returns a name which is the account that owns the NFT.


The approve action is used to approve an account to transfer an NFT on your behalf.

It takes two parameters:

  • to - The account that will be approved to transfer the NFT
  • token_id - The ID of the NFT


The approveall action is used to approve an account to transfer all of your NFTs on your behalf.

It takes three parameters:

  • from - The account that currently owns the NFTs
  • to - The account that will be approved to transfer the NFTs
  • approved - A boolean that determines if the account is approved or not


The getapproved action is used to get the account that is approved to transfer an NFT on your behalf.

It takes one parameter:

  • token_id - The ID of the NFT

It returns a name which is the account that is approved to transfer the NFT.


The approved4all action is used to get if an account is approved to transfer all of your NFTs on your behalf.

It takes two parameters:

  • owner - The account that currently owns the NFTs
  • approved_account - The account that you want to check if it is approved to transfer the NFTs

It returns a bool which is true if the account is approved to transfer the NFTs, and false if it is not.


The gettokenuri action is used to get the URI of the NFT's metadata.

It takes one parameter:

  • token_id - The ID of the NFT

It returns a std::string which is the URI of the NFT's metadata.


The setbaseuri action is used to set the base URI of the NFT's metadata.

It takes one parameter:

  • base_uri - The base URI of the NFT's metadata

Adding the data structures

Now that we have our actions, we need to add some data structures to store the NFTs.

We will be using a singleton to store the NFTs.


A singleton is a table that can only have one row per scope, unlike a multi_index which can have multiple rows per scope and uses a primary_key to identify each row. Singletons are a little closer to Ethereum's storage model.

Add the following code to your contract above the actions:

    using _owners = singleton<"owners"_n, name>;
using _balances = singleton<"balances"_n, uint64_t>;
using _approvals = singleton<"approvals"_n, name>;
using _approvealls = singleton<"approvealls"_n, name>;
using _base_uris = singleton<"baseuris"_n, std::string>;

ACTION mint...

We've created singleton tables for the following:

  • _owners - A mapping from token ID to the owner of the NFT
  • _balances - A mapping from owner to the amount of NFTs they own
  • _approvals - A mapping from token ID to an account approved to transfer that NFT
  • _approvealls - A mapping from owner to an account approved to transfer all their NFTs
  • _base_uris - A configuration table that stores the base URI of the NFT's metadata

Table Naming

singleton<"<TABLE NAME>"_n, <ROW TYPE>>

If we look at the singleton definition, inside the double quotes we have the table name. Names in EOS tables must also follow the Account Name rules, which means they must be 12 characters or less and can only contain the characters a-z, 1-5, and ..

Now that we've created the tables and structures that will store data about the NFTs, we can start filling in the logic for each action.

Adding some helper functions

We want some helper functions to make our code more readable and easier to use. Add the following code to your contract right below the table definitions:

    using _base_uris = singleton<"baseuris"_n, std::string>;

// Helper function to get the owner of an NFT
name get_owner(uint64_t token_id){

// Note that we are using the "token_id" as the "scope" of this table.
// This lets us use singleton tables like key-value stores, which is similar
// to how Ethereum contracts store data.

_owners owners(get_self(), token_id);
return owners.get_or_default(name(""));

// Helper function to get the balance of an account
uint64_t get_balance(name owner){
_balances balances(get_self(), owner.value);
return balances.get_or_default(0);

// Helper function to get the account that is approved to transfer an NFT on your behalf
name get_approved(uint64_t token_id){
_approvals approvals(get_self(), token_id);
return approvals.get_or_default(name(""));

// Helper function to get the account that is approved to transfer all of your NFTs on your behalf
name get_approved_all(name owner){
_approvealls approvals(get_self(), owner.value);
return approvals.get_or_default(name(""));

// Helper function to get the URI of the NFT's metadata
std::string get_token_uri(uint64_t token_id){
_base_uris base_uris(get_self(), get_self().value);
return base_uris.get_or_default("") + "/" + std::to_string(token_id);

The helper functions will make it easier to get data from the tables we created earlier. We will use these functions in the actions we will implement next.

In particular, some functions are used in multiple places so it makes sense to create a helper function for them. For example, the get_owner function is used in the mint, transfer, and approve actions. If we didn't create a helper function for it, we would have to write the same code in each action.

Filling in the actions

We will go through each action and implement the logic for it. Pay close attention to the comments as they will explain what each line of code does.


The mint action is used to create a new NFT.

    ACTION mint(name to, uint64_t token_id){
// We only want to mint NFTs if the action is called by the contract owner
check(has_auth(get_self()), "only contract can mint");

// The account we are minting to must exist
check(is_account(to), "to account does not exist");

// Get the owner singleton
_owners owners(get_self(), token_id);

// Check if the NFT already exists
check(owners.get_or_default().value == 0, "NFT already exists");

// Set the owner of the NFT to the account that called the action
owners.set(to, get_self());

// Get the balances table
_balances balances(get_self(), to.value);

// Set the new balances of the account
balances.set(balances.get_or_default(0) + 1, get_self());


The transfer action is used to transfer an NFT from one account to another.

    ACTION transfer(name from, name to, uint64_t token_id, std::string memo){
// The account we are transferring from must authorize this action
check(has_auth(from), "from account has not authorized the transfer");

// The account we are transferring to must exist
check(is_account(to), "to account does not exist");

// The account we are transferring from must be the owner of the NFT
// or allowed to transfer it through an approval
bool ownerIsFrom = get_owner(token_id) == from;
bool fromIsApproved = get_approved(token_id) == from;
check(ownerIsFrom || fromIsApproved, "from account is not the owner of the NFT or approved to transfer the NFT");

// Get the owner singleton
_owners owners(get_self(), token_id);

// Set the owner of the NFT to the "to" account
owners.set(to, get_self());

// Set the new balance for the "from" account
_balances balances(get_self(), from.value);
balances.set(balances.get_or_default(0) - 1, get_self());

// Set the new balance for the "to" account
_balances balances2(get_self(), to.value);
balances2.set(balances2.get_or_default(0) + 1, get_self());

// Remove the approval for the "from" account
_approvals approvals(get_self(), token_id);

// Send the transfer notification


The balanceof action is used to get the balance of an account.

    [[eosio::action]] uint64_t balanceof(name owner){
return get_balance(owner);

Return values & Composability

Return values are only usable from outside the blockchain, and cannot currently be used in EOS for smart contract composability. EOS supports inline actions which can be used to call other smart contracts, but they cannot return values.


The ownerof action is used to get the owner of an NFT.

    [[eosio::action]] name ownerof(uint64_t token_id){
return get_owner(token_id);


The approve action is used to approve an account to transfer an NFT on your behalf.

    ACTION approve(name to, uint64_t token_id){
// get the token owner
name owner = get_owner(token_id);

// The owner of the NFT must authorize this action
check(has_auth(owner), "owner has not authorized the approval");

// The account we are approving must exist
check(is_account(to), "to account does not exist");

// Get the approvals table
_approvals approvals(get_self(), token_id);

// Set the approval for the NFT
approvals.set(to, get_self());


The approveall action is used to approve an account to transfer all of your NFTs on your behalf.

    ACTION approveall(name from, name to, bool approved){
// The owner of the NFTs must authorize this action
check(has_auth(from), "owner has not authorized the approval");

// The account we are approving must exist
check(is_account(to), "to account does not exist");

// Get the approvals table
_approvealls approvals(get_self(), from.value);

// Set the approval for the NFT
approvals.set(to, get_self());
} else {
// Remove the approval for the NFT


The getapproved action is used to get the account that is approved to transfer an NFT on your behalf.

    [[eosio::action]] name getapproved(uint64_t token_id){
return get_approved(token_id);


The approved4all action is used to check if an account is approved to transfer all of your NFTs on your behalf.

    [[eosio::action]] bool approved4all(name owner, name approved_account){
return get_approved_all(owner) == approved_account;

ACTION name limitations

Account names also have the same limitations as table names, so they can only contain the characters a-z, 1-5, and .. Because of this, we cannot use the standard isApprovedForAll name for the action, so we are using approved4all instead.


The tokenuri action is used to get the URI of an NFT.

    [[eosio::action]] std::string tokenuri(uint64_t token_id){
return get_token_uri(token_id);


The setbaseuri action is used to set the base URI of the NFTs.

    ACTION setbaseuri(std::string base_uri){
// The account calling this action must be the contract owner

// Get the base URI table
_base_uris base_uris(get_self(), get_self().value);

// Set the base URI
base_uris.set(base_uri, get_self());

Putting it all together

Now that we have all the actions laid out, we can put them all together in the nft.cpp file.

You should try to build, deploy, and interact with the contract on your own before looking at the full contract below. First you'll need to mint some NFTs to an account you control, then you can try transferring them to another account.

You can also test out the approval mechanisms by approving another account to transfer your NFTs on your behalf, and then transferring them to another account using the approved account.

Click here to see full contract
#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosio/asset.hpp>
#include <eosio/singleton.hpp>
using namespace eosio;

CONTRACT nft : public contract {

using contract::contract;

// Mapping from token ID to owner
using _owners = singleton<"owners"_n, name>;

// Mapping owner address to token count
using _balances = singleton<"balances"_n, uint64_t>;

// Mapping from token ID to approved address
using _approvals = singleton<"approvals"_n, name>;

// Mapping from owner to operator approvals
using _approvealls = singleton<"approvealls"_n, name>;

// Registering the token URI
using _base_uris = singleton<"baseuris"_n, std::string>;

// Helper function to get the owner of an NFT
name get_owner(uint64_t token_id){
_owners owners(get_self(), token_id);
return owners.get_or_default(name(""));

// Helper function to get the balance of an account
uint64_t get_balance(name owner){
_balances balances(get_self(), owner.value);
return balances.get_or_default(0);

// Helper function to get the account that is approved to transfer an NFT on your behalf
name get_approved(uint64_t token_id){
_approvals approvals(get_self(), token_id);
return approvals.get_or_default(name(""));

// Helper function to get the account that is approved to transfer all of your NFTs on your behalf
name get_approved_all(name owner){
_approvealls approvals(get_self(), owner.value);
return approvals.get_or_default(name(""));

// Helper function to get the URI of the NFT's metadata
std::string get_token_uri(uint64_t token_id){
_base_uris base_uris(get_self(), get_self().value);
return base_uris.get_or_default("") + "/" + std::to_string(token_id);

ACTION mint(name to, uint64_t token_id){
// We only want to mint NFTs if the action is called by the contract owner
check(has_auth(get_self()), "only contract can mint");

// The account we are minting to must exist
check(is_account(to), "to account does not exist");

// Get the owner singleton
_owners owners(get_self(), token_id);

// Check if the NFT already exists
check(owners.get_or_default().value == 0, "NFT already exists");

// Set the owner of the NFT to the account that called the action
owners.set(to, get_self());

// Get the balances table
_balances balances(get_self(), to.value);

// Set the new balances of the account
balances.set(balances.get_or_default(0) + 1, get_self());

ACTION transfer(name from, name to, uint64_t token_id, std::string memo){
// The account we are transferring from must authorize this action
check(has_auth(from), "from account has not authorized the transfer");

// The account we are transferring to must exist
check(is_account(to), "to account does not exist");

// The account we are transferring from must be the owner of the NFT
// or allowed to transfer it through an approval
bool ownerIsFrom = get_owner(token_id) == from;
bool fromIsApproved = get_approved(token_id) == from;
check(ownerIsFrom || fromIsApproved, "from account is not the owner of the NFT or approved to transfer the NFT");

// Get the owner singleton
_owners owners(get_self(), token_id);

// Set the owner of the NFT to the "to" account
owners.set(to, get_self());

// Set the new balance for the "from" account
_balances balances(get_self(), from.value);
balances.set(balances.get_or_default(0) - 1, get_self());

// Set the new balance for the "to" account
_balances balances2(get_self(), to.value);
balances2.set(balances2.get_or_default(0) + 1, get_self());

// Remove the approval for the "from" account
_approvals approvals(get_self(), token_id);

// Send the transfer notification

[[eosio::action]] uint64_t balanceof(name owner){
return get_balance(owner);

[[eosio::action]] name ownerof(uint64_t token_id){
return get_owner(token_id);

ACTION approve(name to, uint64_t token_id){
// get the token owner
name owner = get_owner(token_id);

// The owner of the NFT must authorize this action
check(has_auth(owner), "owner has not authorized the approval");

// The account we are approving must exist
check(is_account(to), "to account does not exist");

// Get the approvals table
_approvals approvals(get_self(), token_id);

// Set the approval for the NFT
approvals.set(to, get_self());

ACTION approveall(name from, name to, bool approved){
// The owner of the NFTs must authorize this action
check(has_auth(from), "owner has not authorized the approval");

// The account we are approving must exist
check(is_account(to), "to account does not exist");

// Get the approvals table
_approvealls approvals(get_self(), from.value);

// Set the approval for the NFT
approvals.set(to, get_self());
} else {
// Remove the approval for the NFT

[[eosio::action]] name getapproved(uint64_t token_id){
return get_approved(token_id);

[[eosio::action]] bool approved4all(name owner, name approved_account){
return get_approved_all(owner) == approved_account;

[[eosio::action]] std::string gettokenuri(uint64_t token_id){
return get_token_uri(token_id);

ACTION setbaseuri(std::string base_uri){
// The account calling this action must be the contract owner

// Get the base URI table
_base_uris base_uris(get_self(), get_self().value);

// Set the base URI
base_uris.set(base_uri, get_self());

This is for education purposes

Keep in mind, that if you deployed this contract on the EOS Network and minted tokens, there would be no supported marketplaces to sell them (at the time of writing this guide). This is just for education purposes.


This NFT contract has no way to burn NFTs. Add a burn action that allows the token owner to burn their own NFTs.