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Create a Token

A token is an own-able digital asset such as a virtual collectible or in-game currency. It is nothing more than a data structure that is stored on the blockchain.

A token contract defines the data structures that make up a token, the storage of those structures, and the actions that can be taken to manipulate the tokens.

There are two widely used types of blockchain tokens:

  • Fungible tokens are interchangeable and every token is equal to every other, like gold in a game
  • Non-fungible tokens are unique, like a collectible card or a piece of land

In this tutorial you will create an in-game currency called GOLD, which is a fungible token.

Create a new contract

To get started, let's set up a basic contract scaffold.

Create a token.cpp file and add the following code:

#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosio/asset.hpp>
#include <eosio/singleton.hpp>
using namespace eosio;

CONTRACT token : public contract {

using contract::contract;

// TODO: Add actions

Creating the actions

Our token contract will have three actions:

    ACTION issue(name to, asset quantity){


ACTION burn(name owner, asset quantity){


ACTION transfer(name from, name to, asset quantity, std::string memo){


Add them to your contract and then let's dig into each action and see what they do, and what parameters they take.


The issue action creates new tokens and adds them to an account's balance and to the total supply.

It takes two parameters:

  • to: The account to which the tokens will be issued
  • quantity: The amount of tokens to issue


The burn action removes tokens from an account's balance and the total supply.

It takes two parameters:

  • owner: The account that will be burning the tokens
  • quantity: The amount of tokens to burn


The transfer action transfers tokens from one account to another.

It takes four parameters:

  • from: The account sending the tokens
  • to: The account receiving the tokens
  • quantity: The amount of tokens to transfer
  • memo: A memo to include with the transfer

Setting the symbol and precision

Every fungible token has a symbol and a precision.

The symbol is an identifier for the token (like EOS, BTC, or in our case GOLD), and the precision is the number of decimal places that the token supports. We are going to add a constant variable to our contract to define the symbol and precision of our token.

Add this above the issue action:

    const symbol TOKEN_SYMBOL = symbol(symbol_code("GOLD"), 4);

ACTION issue ...

The above lines means that we are going to create a token with the symbol GOLD and a precision of 4.

It will look like 100.0000 GOLD or 0.0001 GOLD.

Adding the data structures

Now that you have your actions defined, let's add the data structures that will be used to store the token's data.

Put this below the TOKEN_SYMBOL you just added.

    const symbol TOKEN_SYMBOL = symbol(symbol_code("GOLD"), 4);

TABLE balance {
name owner;
asset balance;

uint64_t primary_key()const {
return owner.value;

using balances_table = multi_index<"balances"_n, balance>;

You just created a balance structure which defines the data that will be stored in the balances table. Then, you defined the balances_table type which is the definition of a table that will store rows of the balance model.

Later you will use the balances_table type to instantiate a reference to the balances table, and use that reference to store and retrieve data to/from the blockchain.

The owner property is of type name (EOS account name) and will be used to identify the account that owns the tokens. The name type is a way to pack a string into a 64-bit integer efficiently. It is limited to a-z, 1-5, and a period, and can be up to 12 characters long.

The balance property is of type asset and will be used to store the amount of tokens that the account owns. The asset type is a special type that includes a symbol, a precision, and an amount. It has the asset.symbol property and the asset.amount property (which is of type int64_t).

The primary_key function in the structure is used to uniquely identify each row for indexing purposes. In this case, we are using the owner field as the primary key, but using the uint64_t representation instead for efficiency.

Next, you need another table to store the total supply of the token. Add this below the balances_table you just added:

    using supply_table = singleton<"supply"_n, asset>;

We're using a different type of table here, a singleton. A singleton is a table that only has one row per-scope. This is perfect for storing things like configurations. We will use it to store the total supply of the token as you only have the one token in your contract.

You can see that we also didn't define a custom structure to store as we only needed the asset type to store the total supply.

Filling in the actions

Now that you have your data structures defined, let's fill in the actions.


First we'll start with the issue action, which will create new tokens and add them to an account's balance.

We want only the account that the contract is deployed on to be able to call the issue action, so we will add an assertion to make sure that the account calling the action is the same as the account that the contract is deployed on.

    ACTION issue(name to, asset quantity){
check(has_auth(get_self()), "only contract owner can issue new GOLD");

Next, we want to make sure that the account we will issue the tokens to exists on the blockchain. We don't want that sweet in-game GOLD to go to waste!

check(is_account(to), "the account you are trying to issue GOLD to does not exist");

Next, we want to make sure that the quantity parameter is a positive number, and has the correct symbol and precision.

check(quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity");
check(quantity.amount > 0, "must issue a positive quantity");
check(quantity.symbol == TOKEN_SYMBOL, "symbol precision and/or ticker mismatch");

Shwew! That's a lot of checks, but it's important to make sure that we are protecting our in-game GOLD!

Now let's start dealing with the balances table.

balances_table balances(get_self(), get_self().value);

We took the balances_table type we defined earlier and instantiated a new balances_table object. We passed in the get_self() function as the first parameter (the code parameter), which returns the contract account's name. We passed in the get_self().value as the second parameter (the scope parameter), which returns the uint64_t representation of the contract account's name.

Scopes: Scopes are a way to group rows in a table together. You can think of it as a folder that contains all the rows in the table. In this case, we are using the contract account's name as the scope, so all the rows in the balances table will be grouped together under the contract account's name. If you'd like to learn more about scopes, check out the Getting Started with Smart Contracts Guide.

Next, we need to check if the to account already has a balance. We can do this by using the find function on the balances table.

auto to_balance = balances.find(to.value);

The find function returns an iterator to the row in the table that matches the primary key. If the to account does not have a balance, then the find function will return an iterator to the end of the table. Remember that the primary key for the table is a uint64_t, so we need to use the to.value to get the uint64_t representation of the to account.

If there is already a balance, then we need to add the new tokens to the existing balance. We can do this by using the modify function on the balances table. We will check to see if the to_balance iterator is not equal to the end of the table, and if it is not, then we will modify the row.

if(to_balance != balances.end()){
balances.modify(to_balance, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.balance += quantity;

The modify function takes three parameters:

  • iterator: The iterator to the row that you want to modify
  • payer: The account that will pay for the RAM to store the modified row
  • lambda: A lambda function that gives a reference to the row that you want to modify

The lambda function is where you actually modify the row. In this case, we are adding the new tokens to the existing balance.

If there is not already a balance, then we need to create a new balance for the to account. We can do this by using the emplace function on the balances table.

balances.emplace(get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.owner = to;
row.balance = quantity;

The emplace function takes two parameters:

  • payer: The account that will pay for the RAM to store the new row
  • lambda: A lambda function that gives a reference to the new row

The lambda function is where you actually initialize the new row. In this case, we are setting the owner to the to account, and the balance to the quantity.

Finally, we need to update the total supply of the token. We can do this by getting the supply table.

supply_table supply(get_self(), get_self().value);
auto current_supply = supply.get_or_default(asset(0, TOKEN_SYMBOL));

We took the supply_table we defined earlier and instantiated a new supply_table object. Just like before, we passed in the get_self() function for both the first and second parameters (respectively: code, and scope).

Next, we used the get_or_default function on the singleton to get the current supply of the token, or create a new one if this is the first tokens that are being issued in this contract. The get_or_default function takes one parameter, which is the value to create if no value already exists. In our case, that default value is a new asset that we initialized with a value of 0 and the TOKEN_SYMBOL constant we defined earlier. This would look like 0.0000 GOLD.

Now that we have the current supply, we can add the new tokens to the current supply and save the value to the blockchain. Since both the current_supply and quantity are of type asset, we can use the + operator to add them together.

Automatic overflow protection

The asset class handles overflows/underflows automatically. If there is an overflow it will throw an error and abort the transaction automatically. You do not have to do any special checks when using asset. You do however if using uint64_t or any other base type.

auto new_supply = current_supply + quantity;
supply.set(new_supply, get_self());

We used the set function on the singleton to save the new supply to the blockchain.

The set function takes two parameters:

  • value: The new value to save to the blockchain
  • payer: The account that will pay for the RAM to store the new value


The burn action is very similar to the issue action. The only difference is that we are subtracting the tokens from the owner account and the supply instead of increasing them.

Let's start with the checks like before, and then get into the logic.

    ACTION burn(name owner, asset quantity){
check(has_auth(owner), "only the owner of these tokens can burn them");
check(quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity");
check(quantity.amount > 0, "must burn a positive quantity");
check(quantity.symbol == TOKEN_SYMBOL, "symbol precision and/or ticker mismatch");

We're doing the same checks we did in the issue action, except for the is_account check because we will already be testing to see if the owner has a balance in the balances table.

balances_table balances(get_self(), get_self().value);
auto owner_balance = balances.find(owner.value);
check(owner_balance != balances.end(), "account does not have any GOLD");

Now let's check if the owner account has enough tokens to burn.

check(owner_balance->balance.amount >= quantity.amount, "owner doesn't have enough GOLD to burn");

Let's calculate a new balance for the owner account.

auto new_balance = owner_balance->balance - quantity;

We don't need to check if the new_balance is below zero because we already checked if the owner account has enough tokens to burn.

Let's subtract the tokens from the owner account. If the new_balance is zero, then we can just erase the row from the balances table to save RAM.

if(new_balance.amount == 0){

If the new_balance is not zero, then we need to modify the row in the balances table.

else {
balances.modify(owner_balance, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.balance -= quantity;

We also need to remove the tokens from the total supply.

supply_table supply(get_self(), get_self().value);
supply.set(supply.get() - quantity, get_self());

Voilà, now we can burn virtual GOLD.


The transfer action is a little more complicated than the issue and burn actions. We need to transfer tokens from one account to another account and make sure that the from account has enough tokens to transfer.

On top of that, we want to make it so that other contracts can interact with our token so that they can build things on top of it.

Again let's start with the checks and then get into the logic.

    ACTION transfer(name from, name to, asset quantity, string memo){
check(has_auth(from), "only the owner of these tokens can transfer them");
check(is_account(to), "to account does not exist");
check(quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity");
check(quantity.amount > 0, "must transfer a positive quantity");
check(quantity.symbol == TOKEN_SYMBOL, "symbol precision and/or ticker mismatch");

We're doing mostly the same checks as before but this time we're making sure the from account (the sender) is the one that is authorizing the transfer, and we're making sure that the to account exists.

Next, we need to get the balances table and check if the from account has a balance.

balances_table balances(get_self(), get_self().value);
auto from_balance = balances.find(from.value);
check(from_balance != balances.end(), "account does not have any GOLD");

Let's check if the from account has enough tokens to transfer.

check(from_balance->balance.amount >= quantity.amount, "owner doesn't have enough GOLD to transfer");

We need to check if the to account has a balance in the balances table.

auto to_balance = balances.find(to.value);

If the to account does not have a balance, then we need to create a new row in the balances table.

if(to_balance == balances.end()){
balances.emplace(get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.owner = to;
row.balance = quantity;

If the to account does have a balance, then we need to modify the row in the balances table.

else {
balances.modify(to_balance, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.balance += quantity;

Now we need to check if the from account has a balance of the same amount as the quantity we are transferring. If it does, then we can just erase the row from the balances table, and once again, save RAM.

if(from_balance->balance.amount == quantity.amount){

If the from account has a balance that is greater than the quantity we are transferring, then we need to modify the row in the balances table.

else {
balances.modify(from_balance, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.balance -= quantity;

Finally, we need to emit an event that other contracts can listen to. We will emit two events, one which has the from account as the recipient, and another which has the to account as the recipient. This allows either party to listen to the event and do something with it if they have a contract deployed to that account.


The full contract

If you want to copy the full contract, and match it against yours, you can find it below.

Click here to view full code
#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosio/asset.hpp>
#include <eosio/singleton.hpp>
using namespace eosio;

CONTRACT token : public contract {
using contract::contract;

const symbol TOKEN_SYMBOL = symbol(symbol_code("GOLD"), 4);

TABLE balance {
name owner;
asset balance;

uint64_t primary_key()const {
return owner.value;

using balances_table = multi_index<"balances"_n, balance>;

using supply_table = singleton<"supply"_n, asset>;

ACTION issue(name to, asset quantity){
check(has_auth(get_self()), "only contract owner can issue new GOLD");
check(is_account(to), "the account you are trying to issue GOLD to does not exist");
check(quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity");
check(quantity.amount > 0, "must issue a positive quantity");
check(quantity.symbol == TOKEN_SYMBOL, "symbol precision and/or ticker mismatch");

balances_table balances(get_self(), get_self().value);

auto to_balance = balances.find(to.value);

if(to_balance != balances.end()){
balances.modify(to_balance, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.balance += quantity;
balances.emplace(get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.owner = to;
row.balance = quantity;

supply_table supply(get_self(), get_self().value);

auto current_supply = supply.get_or_default(asset(0, TOKEN_SYMBOL));

supply.set(current_supply + quantity, get_self());

ACTION burn(name owner, asset quantity){
check(has_auth(owner), "only the owner of these tokens can burn them");
check(quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity");
check(quantity.amount > 0, "must burn a positive quantity");
check(quantity.symbol == TOKEN_SYMBOL, "symbol precision and/or ticker mismatch");

balances_table balances(get_self(), get_self().value);
auto owner_balance = balances.find(owner.value);
check(owner_balance != balances.end(), "account does not have any GOLD");
check(owner_balance->balance.amount >= quantity.amount, "owner doesn't have enough GOLD to burn");

auto new_balance = owner_balance->balance - quantity;
check(new_balance.amount >= 0, "quantity exceeds available supply");

if(new_balance.amount == 0){
else {
balances.modify(owner_balance, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.balance -= quantity;

supply_table supply(get_self(), get_self().value);
supply.set(supply.get() - quantity, get_self());

ACTION transfer(name from, name to, asset quantity, std::string memo){
check(has_auth(from), "only the owner of these tokens can transfer them");
check(is_account(to), "to account does not exist");
check(quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity");
check(quantity.amount > 0, "must transfer a positive quantity");
check(quantity.symbol == TOKEN_SYMBOL, "symbol precision and/or ticker mismatch");

balances_table balances(get_self(), get_self().value);
auto from_balance = balances.find(from.value);
check(from_balance != balances.end(), "from account does not have any GOLD");
check(from_balance->balance.amount >= quantity.amount, "from account doesn't have enough GOLD to transfer");

auto to_balance = balances.find(to.value);
if(to_balance == balances.end()){
balances.emplace(get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.owner = to;
row.balance = quantity;
else {
balances.modify(to_balance, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.balance += quantity;

if(from_balance->balance.amount == quantity.amount){
else {
balances.modify(from_balance, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.balance -= quantity;


Grab battle tested source code

If you'd like to simply use the source code which is used in most fungible tokens on the EOS Network, you can head over to the eosio.token repository to grab it. Not only is this code battle tested, but it powers the underlying EOS token.

Please note that the standard eosio.token contract differs considerably from this tutorial. It is a more complex contract which allows for more advanced features such as allowing users interacting with the contract to pay for their own RAM, or creating multiple tokens within a single contract.

You will need to create a new token with it, and then issue those tokens to an account before they can be transferred. You will also need to open a balance for an account before you can transfer tokens over to it.


This token has no MAXIMUM_SUPPLY. How can you add a constant to the contract which defines the maximum supply of the token and make sure that the issue action does not exceed this maximum supply?