
Local Development

Developing using the Web IDE will only take you so far. Eventually, you will want to develop locally on your machine, so that you can easily use version control, your favorite editor, and other tools that you are used to.

This guide will walk you through setting up your local development environment using FuckYea.

Creating a new project

You don't need to install the fuckyea CLI locally, you can use npx for all commands.

fuckyea create <project_name> [optional_directory] 

This will create a project structure that looks like this:

📂 contracts
📄 contract.cpp
📂 deployments
📄 jungle.ts
📂 tests
📄 contract.spec.ts
🔐 .env
📄 .gitignore
📄 fuckyea.config.js
📄 package.json

Developing contracts

The contract.cpp file inside of contracts already has a simple contract that you can use to get started.

Creating new contracts

You can either manually create a contract, copy an existing one, or use the scaffold CLI.

npx fuckyea scaffold contract <name> [optional_directory]

Building contracts

In order to test or deploy your contracts, you will need the .wasm and .abi files. To get them from your C++ files, you can use the CLI build command from your directory root.

npx fuckyea build

All build files will be saved to the build/ directory.

📂 build
📄 contract.abi
📄 contract.wasm
📂 contracts
📄 contract.cpp

Testing contracts

Testing using FuckYea uses VeRT, an emulator for EOS. You can head over to the testing guide if you want to learn about writing tests.

npx fuckyea test [--build]

Using the build option will simply batch both a build and test job together. It is no different than running build before test.

You can also scaffold a new test:

npx fuckyea scaffold test <name> [optional_directory]

Deploying contracts

FuckYea is able to deploy contracts to any Antelope network. The default that comes with new projects is the Jungle4 network, a common testnet.

The config file

A lot of the setup for deployments is done in the fuckyea.config.js file at the root of your project.

It exports a JSON object that includes network property which defines the chain, and accounts you need to deploy contracts.

networks: {
jungle: {
// node_url: 'https://eos.greymass.com',
chain: 'Jungle4',
accounts: [
name: 'youraccount',
permission: 'owner',
private_key: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY

The key for the network

The name of your deployment file in the deployments directory must always match the name of the key in the networks object. For instance, above we have defined the jungle network, and we also have a deployments/jungle.ts file.

If you wanted to have a Mainnet file, you would add both the mainnet key in networks and a deployments/mainnet.ts deployment file.

Specifying a node

You can either use the chain property to specify a chain, or you can use the node_url property to specify a specific node endpoint.

If you want to use chain, you can refer to the WharfKit Chains definition for a list of available chains.

Two common ones are:

  • Jungle4
  • EOS

Registering accounts

In order for the deployment script to know what keys belong to which accounts, you need to specify them here. The accounts property is an array of account definitions that include the following properties.

nameThe name of the account
permissionThe permission level of the account (defaults to active)
private_keyThe private key of the account
Using environment variables

The project includes a .env file that you can use to store your private keys. This file is ignored by git, so you can safely store your keys here.


Please make sure to never commit your .env file to a public repository, or use private keys in plain text in the config file.

Deployment files

The deployment files are written in JavaScript and are used to deploy contracts to the network.

They are injected with a deployer object that has the following properties:

accountsAn array of account definitions
sessionsAn object that holds the current wharfkit session for each account
deployA function that you can use to deploy a contract and returns a wharfkit contract
module.exports = async (deployer) => {

const contract = await deployer.deploy('someaccount', 'build/mycontract', {
// adds the `eosio.code` permission to the contract account's active permission
// so that you can send inline actions from the contract in its name
addCode: true
}).catch(err => {

// do other stuff here...

Creating deployments

You can either manually create a deployment, copy an existing one, or use the scaffold CLI.

npx fuckyea scaffold deployment <network> [optional_directory]

Deploying contracts

To deploy a contract, you can use the CLI deploy command.

npx fuckyea deploy <network> [--build]


Sometimes you run into problems. If you have anything that isn't on this list, please reach out in the Developers Telegram group.

Multi-contract support

If you have multiple contracts in your project, then the compiler won't know which .cpp file is the entry file into that specific contract.

To fix this, you can change the suffix to .entry.cpp for each contract, and you will then get back named builds for each.

📂 build
📄 game.abi
📄 game.wasm
📄 token.abi
📄 token.wasm
📂 contracts
📄 game.entry.cpp
📄 token.entry.cpp