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Crypto Extensions

As of v3.0 crypto host functions were extended to include

  • mod_exp: Big integer modular exponentiation
  • alt_bn128_add, alt_bn128_mul, alt_bn128_pair: Add, multiply, and pairing check functions for the alt_bn128 elliptic curve
  • blake2_f: BLAKE2b F compression function
  • sha3: sha3hash function usingSHA3 NIST`
  • Keccak256: sha3 hash function using SHA3 Keccak
  • k1_recover: Safe ECDSA uncompressed pubkey recover for the secp256k1 curve

In v3.0, C format was supported; in v3.1, C++ format was added for better data abstraction.


  • In nodeos, activate protocol feature CRYPTO_PRIMITIVES (68d6405cb8df3de95bd834ebb408196578500a9f818ff62ccc68f60b932f7d82)
  • In smart contract code, include crypto_ext.hpp

C Format

  • int32_t alt_bn128_add( const char* op1, uint32_t op1_len, const char* op2, uint32_t op2_len, char* result, uint32_t result_len ) Perform addition operation on the elliptic curve alt_bn128, store the result in result, and return 0 if success otherwise -1
  • int32_t alt_bn128_mul( const char* g1, uint32_t g1_len, const char* scalar, uint32_t scalar_len, char* result, uint32_t result_len ) Perform scalar multiplication operation on the elliptic curve alt_bn128
  • int32_t alt_bn128_pair( const char* pairs, uint32_t pairs_len ) Perform Optimal-Ate pairing check elliptic curve alt_bn128, and return 0 if true and successful, 1 if false, otherwise -1
  • int32_t mod_exp( const char* base, uint32_t base_len, const char* exp, uint32_t exp_len, const char* mod, uint32_t mod_len, char* result, uint32_t result_len ) Calculate ( BASE^EXP ) % MOD, store in result, and return 0 if successful, otherwise -1
  • int32_t blake2_f( uint32_t rounds, const char* state, uint32_t state_len, const char* msg, uint32_t msg_len, const char* t0_offset, uint32_t t0_len, const char* t1_offset, uint32_t t1_len, int32_t final, char* result, uint32_t result_len) Implement BLAKE2 compression function F. Return 0 if success otherwise -1
  • eosio::checksum256 sha3(const char* data, uint32_t length) Return hash of data using SHA3 NIST
  • void assert_sha3(const char* data, uint32_t length, const eosio::checksum256& hash) Test if the SHA3 hash generated from data matches the provided digest
  • eosio::checksum256 keccak(const char* data, uint32_t length) Return hash of data using SHA3 Keccak
  • `void assert_keccak(const char* data, uint32_t length, const eosio::checksum256& hash) Test if the SHA3 keccak hash generated from data matches the provided digest
  • int32_t k1_recover( const char* sig, uint32_t sig_len, const char* dig, uint32_t dig_len, char* pub, uint32_t pub_len ) Calculates the uncompressed public key used for a given signature on a given digest. Return 0 if success otherwise -1

C++ Format

C++ types were added to represent G1 and G2 points (read and write) and views (read-only), and represent big integers. Their definitions are


* Abstracts mutable G1 and G2 points
template <std::size_t Size = 32>
struct ec_point {
* Bytes of the x coordinate
std::vector<char> x;

* Bytes of the y coordinate
std::vector<char> y;

* Construct a point given x and y
* @param x_ - The x coordinate, a vector of chars
* @param y_ - The y coordinate, a vector of chars
ec_point(std::vector<char>& x_, std::vector<char>& y_);

* Construct a point given a serialized point
* @param p - The serialized point
ec_point(std::vector<char>& p);

* Return serialzed point containing only x and y
std::vector<char> serialized() const;

* Abstracts read-only G1 and G2 points
template <std::size_t Size = 32>
struct ec_point_view {
* Pointer to the x coordinate
const char* x;

* Pointer to the y coordinate
const char* y;

* Number of bytes in each of x and y
uint32_t size;

* Construct a point view from x and y
* @param x_ - The x coordinate, poiter to chars
* @param x_size - x's size
* @param y_ - The y coordinate, poiter to chars
* @param y_size - y's size
ec_point_view(const char* x_, uint32_t x_size, const char* y_, uint32_t y_size);

* Construct a point view from a serialized point
* @param p - The serialized point
ec_point_view(const std::vector<char>& p);

* Construct a point view from a point
* @param p - The point
ec_point_view(const ec_point<Size>& p);

* Return serialzed point containing only x and y
std::vector<char> serialized() const;

static constexpr size_t g1_coordinate_size = 32;
static constexpr size_t g2_coordinate_size = 64;

using g1_point = ec_point<g1_coordinate_size>;
using g2_point = ec_point<g2_coordinate_size>;
using g1_point_view = ec_point_view<g1_coordinate_size>;
using g2_point_view = ec_point_view<g2_coordinate_size>;

* Big integer.
* @ingroup crypto
using bigint = std::vector<char>;


  • alt_bn128_add
    template <typename T>
g1_point alt_bn128_add( const T& op1, const T& op2 )

Take two G1 points or G1 views as input and return a G1 point.

  • alt_bn128_mul
   template <typename T>
g1_point alt_bn128_mul( const T& g1, const bigint& scalar)

Take a G1 point or view and a bigint as input and return a G1 point

  • alt_bn128_pair
   template <typename G1_T, typename G2_T>
int32_t alt_bn128_pair( const std::vector<std::pair<G1_T, G2_T>>& pairs )

Take a pair of G1 and G2 as input.

  • mod_exp
   int32_t mod_exp( const bigint& base, const bigint& exp, const bigint& mod, bigint& result )

Take bigints as input


  • alt_bn128_add
   std::vector<char> x1, y1, x2, y2;

// point
eosio::g1_point point1 {x1, y1};
eosio::g1_point point2 {x2, y2};
auto result = eosio::alt_bn128_add(point1, point2);

// view
eosio::g1_point_view point_view1 {, x1.size(),, y1.size()};
eosio::g1_point_view point_view2 {, x2.size(),, y2.size()};
result = eosio::alt_bn128_add(point_view1, point_view2);
  • alt_bn128_mul
   std::vector<char> x, y, scaler;
eosio::bigint s {scalar};

// point
eosio::g1_point g1_point {x, y};
auto result = eosio::alt_bn128_mul(g1_point, s);

// view
eosio::g1_point_view g1_view {, x.size(),, y.size()};
result = eosio::alt_bn128_mul(g1_view, s);
  • alt_bn128_pair
   std::vector<char> g1_a_x, g1_a_y, g2_a_x, g2_a_y, g1_b_x, g1_b_y, g2_b_x, g2_b_y;

// point
eosio::g1_point g1_a {g1_a_x, g1_a_y};
eosio::g2_point g2_a {g2_a_x, g2_a_y};
eosio::g1_point g1_b {g1_b_x, g1_b_y};
eosio::g2_point g2_b {g2_b_x, g2_b_y};
std::vector<std::pair<eosio::g1_point, eosio::g2_point>> pairs { {g1_a, g2_a}, {g1_b, g2_b} };
auto result = eosio::alt_bn128_pair(pairs);

// view
eosio::g1_point_view g1_view_a {, g1_a_x.size(),, g1_a_y.size()};
eosio::g2_point_view g2_view_a {, g2_a_x.size(),, g2_a_y.size()};
eosio::g1_point_view g1_view_b {, g1_b_x.size(),, g1_b_y.size()};
eosio::g2_point_view g2_view_b {, g2_b_x.size(),, g2_b_y.size()};
std::vector<std::pair<eosio::g1_point_view, eosio::g2_point_view>> view_pairs { {g1_a, g2_a}, {g1_b, g2_b} };
result = eosio::alt_bn128_pair(view_pairs);
  • mod_exp
   std::vector<char> base, exp, modulo;
eosio::bigint base_val {base};
eosio::bigint exp_val {exp};
eosio::bigint modulo_val {modulo};
eosio::bigint result( modulo.size(), '\0' );

auto rc = eosio::mod_exp(base_val, exp_val, modulo_val, result);