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Migrate your Smart Contract

This guide will teach you to deploy a smart contract to the EOS EVM using hardhat on both the EOS EVM mainnet and testnet.

Set up your MetaMask

Click either of these buttons to instantly add EOS EVM to your MetaMask.

Getting EOS tokens

Want some EOS tokens to play with? Click the button below to get some from the testnet faucet.

If you're on the testnet, you can get some EOS tokens using the testnet faucet.

If you're on the EOS Mainnet, ]you can transfer your native EOS using a standard EOS transfer:

  • Send tokens to: eosio.evm
  • Set the memo to your EOS EVM address

For more ways to get EOS tokens, check out the EVM Tokens page.

Hardhat configuration

If you want to set up a new hardhat project, head over to their quick start guide.

Open up your hardhat.config.js file and add the following configuration:

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
// ...

networks: {
eosevm: {
url: "",
eosevm_testnet: {
url: "",

🔑 Private Keys

Note that we are using process.env.PRIVATE_KEY to make sure that our private key isn't exposed in our code. This means you need to be using either something like dotenv to inject the key into your environment, add it manually to your environment, or you can just replace the environment variable with your private key directly.

However, be careful putting your actual key into this file, as it may be committed to a public repository, and you should NEVER share your private key with anyone.

Deploying your contract

Now you can deploy your contract to the EOS EVM testnet:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network eosevm

// or for testnet
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network eosevm_testnet

Once deployed, you will see the address of your new contract, and can view it an explorer by pasting it into the search field.

deploy hardhat


You have successfully deployed your first smart contract to the EOS EVM! 🎉

If you already have a front-end application that interacts with your smart contract, you can now point it at the EOS EVM Endpoints, and it will work as expected.

Make sure you visit the Compatibility section to learn about the differences between the EOS EVM and Ethereum, and how to make sure your web3 application works on the EOS EVM as expected.