How to vote
Vote for a block producer
Before you begin
Install the current supported version of cleos
Ensure the reference system contracts from
repository is deployed and used to manage system resourcesUnderstand the following:
- What is a block producer
- How does voting works
Unlock your wallet
Assume you are going to vote for blockproducer1 and blockproducer2 from an account called eosiotestts2
, execute the following:
cleos system voteproducer prods eosiotestts2 blockproducer1 blockproducer2
You should see something like below:
executed transaction: 2d8b58f7387aef52a1746d7a22d304bbbe0304481d7751fc4a50b619df62676d 128 bytes 374 us
# eosio <= eosio::voteproducer {"voter":"eosiotestts2","proxy":"","producers":["blockproducer1","blockproducer2"]}