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EOS blockchains may consist of one or many nodes. Although a single node can still run a fully functional blockchain, it cannot scale or grow. To grasp the full benefits of the EOS blockchain technology, more nodes are needed. In this section, you will learn about "peering", the network feature that makes it possible. This is what allows to grow incrementally from a single node to a truly decentralized, geographically distributed, multi node EOS blockchain.

What is Peering?

Peering allows EOS nodes to propagate and synchronize the distributed blockchain state by receiving and relaying blocks and/or transactions to other nodes. Any node that is configured to send and receive data in a peer-to-peer fashion is considered a "peer". This adds redundancy and allows for faster response times to client queries and node requests. Therefore, peering is key to the decentralized operation and incremental growth of the EOS blockchain.

ℹ️ EOS Network Protocol
Peering is enabled through the EOS peer-to-peer (p2p) network protocol and it is what allows the decentralized operation of the blockchain. For more information, check the EOS Network Protocol.

Why you need nodes/peers?

In the EOS blockchain, nodes can be configured to operate in different ways. It is this flexibility in having nodes serve distinct roles which allows for a more distributed load and a smoother blockchain experience for the end user. Some of the node types in EOS include, but are not limited to:

  • Producing Nodes: produce blocks to be added to the chain
  • Relay Nodes: validate/relay blocks and/or transactions
  • API Nodes: respond to API queries from clients via HTTP
  • History Nodes: stores chain data for L2 history solutions
  • etc.

Therefore, when set up as peers, EOS nodes validate the blocks and transactions they receive and relay them to other peers by default, if valid. Nodes can also be set up to respond to API requests from clients, provide historical data about blocks and transactions, etc. This separation of concerns makes the blockchain more efficient.

How to set up peers

ℹ️ Peer Setup
The peer connection process must be performed on the local environment of each peer. Therefore, peering involves planning and agreement among some of the nodes that will act as peers in the EOS network.

Peering can be set up by configuring the net_plugin of each nodeos instance whose node will act as a peer. The most important options are:

  • p2p-listen-endpoint arg: local host:port for incoming p2p connections
  • p2p-server-address arg: public host:port for incoming p2p connections
  • p2p-peer-address arg: local or remote peer host:port to connect to

The p2p-listen-endpoint arguments holds the local IP address or hostname and the port number of the listening socket for the local node instance to accept incoming connections from other peers. The p2p-server-address argument holds the public facing IP address or hostname and the port number that other peers will connect to. If not specified, the p2p-server-address defaults to the specified p2p-listen-endpoint. The p2p-server-address option can be useful in scenarios where you have a proxy or firewall that presents a different external address than what the node uses internally.

Other options are available to limit the maximum number of connections, whitelisting specific peers by public key, accept/relay transactions, etc. Check the net_plugin options in nodeos for more information.

Peer setup using config.ini

To peer your local node with other nodes, specify the following in your nodeos config.ini before launching your nodeos instance:

# your listening host:port
p2p-listen-endpoint = <myhost>:<myport> # e.g.
# your public host:port
p2p-server-address = <mypubhost>:<myport> # e.g.

# peers host:port (for each peer to connect to)
p2p-peer-address = <host1>:<port1> # e.g.
p2p-peer-address = <host2>:<port2> # e.g.
# etc.

Peer setup using command-line (CLI)

To peer your local node with other nodes, specify the following in your nodeos command-line arguments when launching your nodeos instance:

nodeos ... \
p2p-listen-endpoint = <myhost>:<myport> \
p2p-server-address = <mypubhost>:<myport> \
p2p-peer-address = <host1>:<port1> \
p2p-peer-address = <host2>:<port2> \

Check the previous section Peer setup using config.ini for examples about potential values for p2p-listen-endpoint, p2p-server-address, and p2p-peer-address.

How to locate peers

For the EOS Mainnet and various Testnets, some websites publish and maintain lists of P2P, API, and other endpoints for your nodes to connect to.

ℹ️ Endpoints and BP.json
Endpoint lists are typically generated, validated, and combined from the standard bp.json files provided by Block Producers, including Standby Producers.

For a central portal that maintains the recent status of all active endpoints (P2P, API, History, etc.) for the EOS Mainnet and various EOS Testnets, you can visit the EOS Nation Validate Portal and select the endpoints report for the specific network:

Once you visit any of the above endpoints report, you can scroll down to the specific endpoints of interest: api_http or api_https2 for API endpoints, p2p for P2P endpoints, etc.

For EOS Mainnet

Besides the endpoints report URLs listed in the parent section above How to locate peers, the following endpoints are available to add directly to your config.ini:

The above P2P endpoints list should display something similar to:

# Endpoints config.ini
# Network: EOS
# Validator last update: 2023-06-12 19:32 UTC
# For details on how this is generated see
# ==== p2p ====
# alohaeosprod: GB, London
p2p-peer-address =
# argentinaeos: AR, argentina
p2p-peer-address =
# ivote4eosusa: US, Greenville,SC,USA
p2p-peer-address =

The above API endpoints list should display something similar to:

# API Versions Report
# Network: EOS
# Validator last update: 2023-06-12 20:06 UTC
# For details on how this is generated see
==== 4.0.1 (leap) ====
aus1genereos api_https2, v4.0.1,, ...
eosnationftw api_http, v4.0.1,, ...
==== 3.1.0 (leap) ====
eosamsterdam api_http, v3.1.0,, ...
eosamsterdam api_https2, v3.1.0,, ...
teamgreymass api_http, v3.1.0,, ...
teamgreymass api_https2, v3.1.0,, ...

For EOS Testnets

Besides the endpoints report URLs listed in the parent section How to locate peers, the following endpoints are available to add directly to your config.ini for the following EOS Testnets:

EOS Jungle Testnet

EOS Kylin Testnet

How to check peers health

Some web portals provide periodic reports and/or live monitoring to check the health of public P2P and API endpoints. Also, some real-time tools allow to estimate the proximity and/or response time of P2P or API endpoints.

EOS Nation Reports

EOS Nation provides extensive reports on the status of various endpoints, including the health of block producing nodes, for both the EOS Mainnet and various EOS Testnets:

Since the endpoints listed on the above reports are validated and refreshed every 30 minutes, the mere presence of an endpoint on a given report indicates a responsive status. For other errors detected during bp.json validation, check these resources:

Third-party Tools

Some tools are available to measure the responsiveness, or lack thereof, of a list of P2P and/or API endpoints:

  • get-closer
    receives a list of API endpoints and returns the HTTP request-response time. If an endpoint is unresponsive, it will eventually time out and will not show on the list.


Peering is crucial for the decentralized operation of any EOS blockchain network. It allows to synchronize and distribute the blockchain state among all nodes and peers for a smoother and faster blockchain experience. Peering is necessary for any EOS blockchain to grow organically, reach consensus, achieve self-governance, and exploit many of the benefits of blockchain technology.